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"I don't know how my life would be different if I never had my sister, but I do know that the steadiness in how I stand in the world is in large part because she exists."

With honesty, laughter, adoration, and a few choice swear words, author-sisters Danielle Neff & Jessica Dickey look together at their lives and the love that makes it all worthwhile.
"SISTERING is a laugh-aloud, cry-aloud, stark-naked love letter to the magic of knowing and being known-- to the sisterhood of art and holiness-- and it is couched in a very fun ride."
Ginnifer Goodwin, sister and actress
About the Sisters
Jessica Dickey writes for the theater and television and film. She divides her time between Brooklyn, Los Angeles, and the south of France.
Danielle Neff is a United Church of Christ pastor. She lives and works in Pennsylvania with her husband, Alan, and their three children, Sam, Liam, and Grace.

"Like a timeless ballad sung in perfect two-part harmony, SISTERING is an absolute delight, and unlike anything I think I’ve ever read. It has all of the warmth and momentum of a great love story and at the same time raises searching, serious questions about love itself -- raises them, though, in the context of a richly and sometimes hilariously narrated family history. More, please?"
Carol Lee Flinders, PhD, author of Enduring Grace: Living Portrait of Seven Women Mystics and At the Root of This Longing: Reconciling a Spiritual Hunger and a Feminist Thirst
Author Meet & Greet and Reading
Waynesboro Alexander Hamilton Memorial Library
45 East Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268
Tuesday, May 30th | 5:30-7pm
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